Friday, June 6, 2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

In the Words of Frank, I did it My Way!

Intro to Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Intro to Voice and Audience Piece

Voice and Audience Piece

Intro to Revision Piece

Revision Piece

Intro to Writer's Choice

Writer's Choice

End Song

1 comment:

Sarah A. said...

I really enjoyed your Reflection Letter, and I think I learned a lot about you from it. I also enjoyed being able to see things through other people’s eyes during this class. My favorite reading in your e-portfolio was your blog about communities. It taught me so much about the community of Taiko that I never even knew existed. I love how you choose to take part in and celebrate this culture even though you aren’t a Okinawan descent. Since I read the discussion board where you talk about celebrating a culture that you aren’t blood related to has taught me to be more open to different cultures and try their traditions even if they aren’t in my blood you never know I might like them more than my own.